Cathy Cash Spellman

New York Times & International Best Selling Author

Living at the Speed of Light

Saturday, April 26th, 2014

Remember when the speed of life and the speed of light were not identical? Remember screened-in porches meant for sitting and talking or just thinking long thoughts about life?  Remember garden swings, sweet summer afternoons wandering a meadow, picking apples in the fall, a Christmas tree you’d trekked through snow to find and then helped [ Read More ]


Friday, January 17th, 2014

Many years ago, a brilliant metaphysician/herbalist admonished me never to eat anything God hadn’t made.  Our bodies, she said, and the planet with all its bounty, had grown out of the same beneficent Source and were therefore genetically programmed to work perfectly together both to protect health and to heal or repair when needed.  Whether [ Read More ]

Healing Hands

Friday, January 20th, 2012

Mudras are hand positions that connect up certain circuitry in our systems for specific purposes.  You might call it Yoga or Tai Qi for your hands.  In a way, it’s like using our extremities as antennas to pick up specific universal  energy wavelengths and conduct them into your system.  Mudras are used throughout Indian, Japanese  [ Read More ]

The Easiest Way to Stay Healthy

Friday, January 6th, 2012

“What if I told you, you could stay healthy and live longer, simply by doing 10 minutes of easy Chinese energy exercises a day?  Would you do it?”                                                       [ Read More ]

Time is the Substance From Which I Am Made…

Thursday, December 29th, 2011

“Inside every older person is a younger person – wondering what the hell happened.” —Cora Harvey Armstrong “You can take no credit for beauty at sixteen.  But if you are beautiful at sixty, it will be your soul’s own doing.” —Marie Stopes The arrival of a brand New Year (always a treat to be able [ Read More ]

What Do You Love?

Friday, April 15th, 2011

“You don’t get to choose how you’re going to die.  Or when.  You can decide how you’re going to live now.” —Joan Baez, Folksinger When my daughter died at thirty-five, in the midst of my grief, I had an irrational recurrent guilt that I hadn’t bought her more hot fudge sundaes.  She loved them so, [ Read More ]

7 Steps to Perfect Happiness? I Don’t Think So…

Saturday, December 4th, 2010

I’m fascinated by the recent proliferation of books that tell you how easy life should be.  All it takes is The Secret 7 Steps to Success, or 12 Steps to Something or Other. We can cure all illness with the proper mindset, we can get rich with affirmations.  Joy is our birthright and all we [ Read More ]

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