Cathy Cash Spellman

New York Times & International Best Selling Author

Rosalyn Bruyere and Mr. A

Why Belly buttons are Important!


Rosalyn Bruyere, is a remarkable mystic and healer, as well as a wonderful friend.   She’s the author of  Wheels of Light, a compendium of metaphysical knowledge that’s a bible for the thousands of students she has taught her healing techniques to, over the past four decades.

She’s a medium,  mystic, and more …  a healer who  is on the speed dial of many leading doctors and surgeons here and in Europe who have seen her hands-on healing capabilities and her other-worldly diagnostic skills in action.

Rosalyn became both my teacher and my friend because of Bless the Child and we’ve shared a number of adventures over  time.  She helped get us safely out of a haunted house at one point and freed a book of mine that had encountered strange obstacles along the way to publication.


She’s also a marvelous storyteller about all that she’s experienced on the Path, but there’s one story I want to tell you because it  really tickled my funny bone:


When Rosalyn was quite young and just beginning her practice as a spiritual healer, she was introduced to an oddball-but-erudite man called Mr. A.  Anyone who has read Ruth MImage result for Ruth Montgomery-Energy/dp/0671796240ontgomery’s famous books about psychic phenomena knows Ruth considered Mr. A. the greatest healer she’d ever encountered in her peregrinations around the psychic world.  She wrote  eloquently about his  astounding abilities.


Mr. A or Mr. ET?


Mr. A it seems, took Rosalyn on as a gifted student and she credits him with having been not only an important mentor… but something unexpectedly more.


In the fullness of time, after Rosalyn had been tutored by Mr. A. in extraordinary uses of energy in order to diagnose and heal, he himself became ill and asked Rosalyn to do her healing work on his body.


When Mr. A undressed, Rosalyn was startled to see that he had no belly button!  To her amazement, the skin of his abdomen was completely pristine, no scars, no indication of an umbilicus ever having existed there!


Needless to say, she asked him why he had no belly button.  She told me he smiled indulgently and said, “Oh my dear girl, did you think I came from here?”


He never did tell her which planet or alternate dimension he came from, but she said he was an exceptional teacher, so what did it matter?


Now, at least we know one foolproof test for who’s human and who’s not.  At the rate the world is going, perhaps that could come in handy one of these days!


I recently read that Peter the Great of Russia firmly believed he was hatched from a magic golden egg and he, too, was credited with being belly button-free! He said those of his royal lineage had blue blood, not red,   because they were deities and not human at all.  Our term blue-blooded as applied to the over-privileged, is derived from this curious assertion.


I like to keep an open mind…


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