Cathy Cash Spellman

New York Times & International Best Selling Author

Native Sons


I found this bit of Wild West verse when I started researching Paint the Wind and it made me laugh:

The miners came in ‘49

The whores in ‘51

And when they got together

They produced the Native Son



In Paint the Wind, I’ve written about not only the native sons and daughters who dredged enormous wealth out of the gold and silver fields of Colorado, but about the cowboys, laborers, women and gunslingers who by hard work, ingenuity and a large helping of skullduggery, tamed a magnificent landscape and turned it into a country.


I’ve showcased the stories that are seldom told or applauded:  the truth of the Native Americans whose land was stolen and whose treaties were disregarded and whose lives were vilified and destroyed.



My story tells of the women who won the West alongside their men, but whose amazing courage and contributions have been forgotten by history.


Larger than Life Adventurers

Paint the Wind is a sweeping saga about all the larger than life-size adventurers who amassed some of the greatest fortunes of all time, managed loves and lusts as big as the Rockies, and helped create a country from a magnificent wilderness that didn’t belong to them.




In Paint the Wind, you’ll find them all on those windswept streets of yesteryear, waiting for you to fall in love with their loves, their ambitions, their courage and their legacy.


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